AARs Wargaming: and Book Reviews – Russ Lockwood

Per usual, a little of everything wargaming this month, from recaps, reviews, and rules analysis to purple prose and an in-depth, hard-hitting, investigative, Pulitzer-Prize worthy article on…the Boatmobile’s License Plate and the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Why yes, you are certainly most welcome.


Russ Lockwood

About Russ Lockwood

After Action Report Newsletter — March 2025


VC Lockwood Strikes Again: 1848 Shako II


US Marines in Iraq 2004: RUSE Warfare


Meeting Engagement: Epic Space Marines


Triumph & Tragedy: Relearning


Chevauchée: Hundred Years War RUSE


HMGS Next Gen: Historical Gaming Marches On


Conundrums: Ongoing D&D Adventure


NEWS: Figures, wargames, tiles, and more.


Batman’s License Plate: BatCave Consequences


Epic Space Marine: NetEpic Version

Books I’ve Read

Crescent Dawn: Rise of the Ottoman Empire
Fighting for the Butcher: Jul-Aug 1918
Guam: Battle for an American Island WWII
German Troops in American Rev 2: M-A-A 543
Wars and Soldiers Louis XIV: CentSold 98
The Galacian Division: 1943-45
Nighthawk One: N. Ireland UK Helo Pilot
The Berlin Blitz: By Those Who Were There
Elizabeth of York: Birth of Tudor Dynasty
Boots on the Ground: Modern Land Warfare
Waterloo: The Truth At Last
Leyte Gulf: New History of Sea Battle
The History of Roman Legion VI Victrix
The German Navy 1939-45: Elite 260
Mechanical Failure (sci-fi novel)
Communication Failure (sci-fi novel)
Mukden 1905: Manchuria Campaign 413
Royal Navy Grand Fleet 1914-18: Fleet 10
USN PT Boat vs IJN Destroyer: Duel 141
B-26 Marauder vs Me 262: Duel 142
People’s History of the Cold War
History of Military Encounters with UFOs
Roman Soldier Vs Dacian Warrior: Combat 80
The Battle of Pinkie: 1547
Second Arakan 1943-44: Campaign 407
Hurtgen Forest 1944 (1): Campaign 412

Views: 33

Categories: News