Mixing Scales in D-Day to Berlin Part II
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I have had a number of gamers write back to me on the subject and I really appreciate the feedback and Ideas.
My good friend John M. let me look at his 1:200 scale WWII collection. Most of them were Pendragon I believe. I brought a few home but compared to my 15’s I was disappointed in the smallness (sp) of them. I had rather hoped for something at about 60% in size. Seems to me the difference shouldn’t be so great.
Russ Lockwood Wrote
I have 6mm and 10/12mm and 15mm and the difference is noticeable…however, if you’ve ever played Axis and Allies board games (not the miniature-specific game), you’ll have played with roughly 6mm tanks and 20mm troops and who knows what scale (1/3000?) ships. As you use squares, not inches, perhaps the size of the figure matters less as long as you can place them inside a square?
I once had the idea for something like that in an ancients game — the bases were all the same size, but the figure size determined its ability, whereas 6mm used a d6, 15mm used a d8, 20mm used a d10, and 25mm used a d12. DM (die modifiers) of +1 for advantageous terrain and another +1 for advantageous training/quality. But I figured I would have to buy the different dice types in the same color (all d6s are white dice, all d8s are blue dice, all d10s are green, and all d12s are red — easy to confuse d8 and d10 without a color prompt), which I never did, and then paint up all the different figures…never did. When you lost a melee, you dropped down a size, so 25mm – 20mm – 15mm – 6mm — remove from table. So every unit needed multiple stands and figures. I’m sure there’s a fellow with better math than me about the odds of a 6mm defeating a 25mm, etc. I figured the heresy factor would preclude even trying it, although the fun factor of a 6mm whacking a 25mm would interest folks. I would recommend trying it.
I was sent the above link to an interesting website. It had some good info on this subject.
Wargame Drop Zone >>> More information
In closing I must say i am unsure now if i want to pursue this. I was about to place an order with Pendragon Miniatures for Russians and German armor but when I compared the T34 I borrowed from John M. I was disappointed in the difference in sizes. Well I will wait a little while and ponder some more.
Meanwhile if anybody knows a brand or scale or armor that might be better suited for my quest please let me know.
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