November After Action Report – Russ Lockwood

First let me mention that I had a great chat with Russ at Fall In 2022 in Lancaster PA.

Russ as the Lion of Stockton

Russ as the Lion of Stockton

By Russ Lockwood

Hope you had a game or three during November. Mine was a little quieter on the gaming front than usual for the month, but hope springs eternal for December…and especially the last week. Stay tuned! In the meantime:

HMGS Fall-In: Host Hop for a Day
Battle of Kolín (June 18, 1757): Command and Colors Seven Years War

Kolin: A Game’s Photojourney
Roar of the Russian Bear: Snappy Nappy 1812 Campaign in a Day

Snappy Nappy Campaign-In-A-Day 2022: North Flank of 1812 Russian Campaign
Snappy Nappy 2022 Communications Chronology: Messages of Russia 1812
A Quintet of Dominion: A Festival of Cards
What’s C.S.? WWII
Soviet Bears: Armed Cosmonauts

Books I’ve Read

Porsche Tiger and Ferdinand Tank Destroyer
The Seleucid Army of Antiochus the Great
Bloody April 1917: Air Campaign 33
Charles X’s Wars: Volume 2 (Cent Sold 87)
Tanks in Battle for Germany 1945 (NV 312)
Roman Plate Armor: Elite 247
The Cactus Air Force: Air War Guadalcanal
The Erewan War: Vol 2: CIA in Laos 1969-74
Identifying Cap Badges: Family Historian Guide
Warship 2022: Variety of Articles
Chobham Armour: Cold War UK Tank Develop.
McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat: XPlanes 17
F6F Hellcat: Philippines 1944 (Dogfight 5)
Foreign Panthers: 1943-1958 (New Vangd 313)
The Hunt for the Storozhevoy: 1975 USSR
Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942: Campaign 384
North American T-6 Harvard/Texan: Duke H C02
The Real Gladiator: Maximus Decimus Meridus
Maritime Strike: UK Navy and Libya 2011
The Venlo Sting: MI6’s Deadly Fiasco
A Mighty Fortress: Lead Bomber Over Europe



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