Relief of Bastogne a D-Day to Berlin Scenario
The III Corps’ Counterattack Toward Bastogne
The Verdun meeting on 19 December set in chain the first
of a series of actions which the Allies would take to wrest
the initiative from the enemy. Nonetheless a few momentous,
nerve-shaking days had to elapse before the first gun
of the counterattack could be fired.
This scenario for D-Day to Berlin depicts General Patton’s 3rd Corps attack to Relieve Bastogne. At his disposal was the hardened 4th Armored Division as well as the 26th and 80th Infantry divisions.
Opposite him was the 5th Fallschirmjäger Division, the 382 Volksgrenadier Division and the Fuhrer Grenadier Brigade.
Fighting is bitter in the cold and deep snow. Low clouds and snow keep the US Air Corps from helping.
This scenario gives you special rules for this campaign as well as new rules for D-Day to Berlin
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