A Snappy Nappy Reply

Russ Lockwood

Russ Lockwood


Thank you for your kind words.

> I follow the ‘Blunders on the Danube’ site and all the multi-table game AAR. I am really impressed by all.

Peter, James, Mark, Greg & company do put on a wonderful day of Snappy Nappy gaming called SnapCon. Next one is October 5 (about 10 miles east of Hartford, CT), if you happen to be on this side of the pond. It’s at The Portal, 60 Hilliard St, Manchester, CT 06042.

Peter’s e-mail is in the CC. He runs the blog and the SN ‘SnapCon’ list.

>I write to ask you if the rules have ever been converted to earlier periods (Seven Years War) by anyone?

I recall Chris Parker gave it a whirl years ago. I’ve added his e-mail in the CC in case he can add some more info about his efforts.

There was a Franco-Prussian War variant, but that was lost when the SN group on Yahoo disappeared. And it’s in the wrong time direction.

There is an IO group: https://groups.io/g/SnappyNappy

Not as popular as the Yahoo group.


In theory, mechanics for 7YW should play roughly the same, with a slight tweak for deployment: I’m thinking instead of the second stand being placed wherever the player wants when going from column to line, the stand must be placed to one side to reflect more rigid linear deployments. Not sure about the timing of formation changes, say from line to square, etc. The best Napoleonic units could perform these rapidly. I have to dig out my Christopher Duffy book on the 7YW. I’m not sure about firing distances of musket or cannon — maybe a tweak to ground scale needed to keep things about the same.

We haven’t done a 7YW battle in our group for a while…or maybe I wasn’t at the game that night. I found a write-up of Rossbach from 2018, but it was using modified Shako II rules. I’m attaching the After Action Report (AAR) newsletter I wrote. Dan played in a Command & Colors Kolin game at Fall-In 2022. Here’s a link to the PDF download page:


If you like the AAR, I’ll add you to my AAR list and e-mail the monthly PDF issues to you. If you think it nothing but horrible spam, let me know and I won’t. It’s changed over the years, but I think it’s gotten better.  😀

Or, Chris is nice enough to post the AAR on his website: Here’s the June 2024 issue:

FYI: I do a lot of book reviews of military history books in the AAR. All of them are up on HMGS.org, which is searchable:

Currently 1,479 reviews available.

If you have any other questions, SN, AAR, or otherwise, please don’t hesitate to ask…



On 07/15/2024 6:44 AM EDT JACQUELINE LODGE wrote:



Dear Mr Lockwood,

Please forgive this ‘cold call’ email.  I hope you don’t mind me contacting you.

I have recently retired from the British Army and find I have a great deal of time to pursue my long-standing wargame hobby!

Firstly, I am a recent convert to Snappy Nappy and love the rules. I combine them with WoFun 10mm Napoleonic figures, which work brilliantly. I follow the ‘Blunders on the Danube’ site and all the multi-table game AAR. I am really impressed by all.

Sorry to ramble. I write to ask you if the rules have ever been converted to earlier periods ( Seven Years War) by anyone?  If so, please would you kindly point me in the right direction to where I might find them. In addition, please could you advise where on the net I might find the best snappy nappy group to join.

Very many thanks. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours sincerely
Mark Lodge , England.

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