The Knights Round Table – Flags

After spending hours of time painting my Medieval and Horse and Musket era miniatures I like to add one or more flags to the unit.

I really feel it makes them pop.  This year when I did up my 40mm Middle Earth armies for my “Battle of Five Armies” convention games using Battle Masters rules I added flags to each unit on both sides.

This really helped the armies come alive to me.

Romano -Orcs, great Troll and Orc Leader

Scottish Pikemen for Day of Battle 5

Here is a unit of Scottish Pikemen based as a large unit for Day of Battle 5 with a simple flag.

Here are three Flag videos I found helpful on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy them.

All of them use “PVA” white glue in the US. I prefer to use Mod Podge. I works just like the glue but makes for a harder flag and protects it better.

Mod Podge


Mod Podge for making flags


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Miniature Landscape Hobbies


Artmaster Studio TV


The Last Battalion


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