The Knights Round Table
Welcome all to the KRT, well 2025 is here and lets kick it off with a bang. This post is more of a general update to the site and our products.
Sales Increased in 2024
First thank you all for your interest and support. Our sales were up 10% over last year 🙂
Our largest uptick was due to our adding the Army Builder 25% discount program since July 2024 and our Free Shipping (CONUS) over Christmas.
We have have decided to keep the Army Builder program going. We have increased the minimum to $60 which should not be a problem as every order placed using it was well over that amount. Remember to add the code “Armybuilder” at check out to receive it.
We are also continuing Free Shipping on orders of $30 or more, in the CONUS only. This discount will also apply to Army Builder orders.
Over Seas Orders
Though we could not offer free shipping to over seas orders you will find that if you place an army builder order for $80 or more the discount will cover your flat shipping rate of $20 🙂
Day of Battle 2025 Update
The rules, IMHO are coming along nicely. The current edition is in the able hands of Russ Lockwood who has graciously offered to edit them for me. Please visit our Russ Lockwood page to learn more about Russ.
I have run a number of successful online Zoom games with my brother David and I am ready to open them up to any and all gamers who are interested. There is no charge and I don’t believe you have to have a paid subscription to Zoom. As the presenter I do other wise my games will end in 40 minutes or so.
I currently use two cameras. One is an over head camera that shows nearly all of the table with enough detail so players can view the action unfolding across the entire table. I have a second camera that I use to zoom in closer for the active player to see what he needs with much more detail. I may add a third as well. Currently only one camera can be active at a time. I am wondering if there is a way to have more than one camera on in a window.
If you are interested in playing you can contact me through the Contact Us page on this site or if you have contacted me in past you can do so directly via e-mail. I will then send you a welcome e-mail along with a link to the current QRS and some YouTube links of videos that I have posted. I would ask that you spend a few minutes and watch the videos I suggest in the reply so that when we schedule a game you will have a cursory knowledge of what is going on.
My goal is to run 4 player games, and if they go well will try a 6 player version. I anticipate a game will last about 2 hours.
The main video is about the Activation system of the game. Here is a link to it…
Players that help me in playtesting, editing or in other ways will get a free pdf version of the new edition when it is released.
New Miniatures in 2025
I am very excited about new miniatures for the year 2025. Medbury Miniatures is doing more 100YW and fantasy miniatures. BattleCat is increasing their Napoleonic line and will be adding American Civil War soon. I have seen test prints of them on the Facebook page. I provided links to each company’s FB page here.
Well that is it for this issue. Be well and if you live in New England, stay warm.
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